a few tools used are:

Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)
Truthful Answers to Yes/No Questions When you have many questions about one topic, or a few questions about many topics, where simple yes/no answers are sufficient, kinesiology is the way to go. If you want to explore a subject in depth rather than be limited to yes/no answers, Akashic Record Readings are more appropriate. Because energy is not constrained by time or space, phone sessions work beautifully for all energetic work.
You Deserve to Know the Truth & it really can set you free! Kinesiology has been well documented as a way to discover what’s true for you. There are whole schools devoted to practical applications of muscle testing for success, health & well-being. I’ve been studying and teaching it since 1980, & use a pendulum so physical proximity is not required. For a lot more information about kinesiology, click here for an article I wrote for Whole Living Journal in March, 2012.
If you prefer to listen rather than read information, I’ve done radio shows devoted to the topic, two of which are archived on the books page of this site: 10/28/10 Getting Accurate Answers & 11/4/10 All Truth is Knowable
There is a field of consciousness that surrounds everything in the universe – it is this field we are accessing in kinesiology & physical touch is not necessary. Through it, we can discover the truth about almost anything that exists now or has ever been. We can also communicate directly with the Higher Self & body, to quickly determine yes/no answers to all our questions: for example, what supplements, foods, tools, actions, understandings, relationships, treatments, types of work or play – are beneficial now, and what is NOT helpful as well. Almost everything is knowable when we ask questions in an appropriate manner.
Learning how to ask questions, and being willing to know the truth with no attachment to the answers, are both necessary for accurate information. To learn kinesiology, read Power vs Force by Dr. David Hawkins or visit Perelandra-ltd.com. If you’d like help with getting answers in this way, please contact me to set up a session: info@louisadyer.com or 513-248-0069.
Higher Self Communication
You can learn how to do this! I am happy to teach you, and to access your Higher Self for you until you are comfortable & confident with the process. Working always within a Professional MAP Team (a specific energy configuration developed by Perelandra to assist healing work), I connect to a client’s Higher Self to be sure of serving their highest good with the greatest clarity possible. Higher Self communication is the basis for all the work I do with clients & through my writing & radio shows.
Your Higher Self can be described in many ways: the God-spark within; your True Self; the aspect within that loves you unconditionally; your embodied Divine Essence; the part of you that is fully aware of your Oneness with everything in the universe, that knows what serves you or blocks forward movement, that helps you discover how to be joyful and peaceful & can guide you to your highest & best in all things.
Your Higher Self is the God/Heaven/Source Within that sages have spoken of throughout human history - the seat of your personal power. It lives in the heart & offers wise guidance for a life of meaning, growth, prosperity & joyful freedom. It really is your True Self – and knows everything about living the life you would choose if only you knew you could. Whenever you’re ready for more consistent communication with this highest, deepest, unconditionally loving part of yourself, I’d be honored to assist you.

BLISS – Bringing Light Into the Shadow Self
Originally a form of deep Shadow Work, BLISS has become focused Light Work & is especially helpful for those who have what Eckhart Tolle calls a “heavy pain body” or problems with obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors.
In essence, BLISS Work requires a series of sessions, usually 6-10, that teaches you how to get clearly & deeply connected with your Higher Self, then how to use this Divine Power within you to become more fully present – to become a loving witness of your emotions & thoughts rather than being a victim of them.
Using guided meditation, we literally bring the Light of your Highest Self into the darkness we call negative thoughts & feelings, even the subconscious, hidden ones. In the presence of enough light, darkness simply disappears. As we become adept at being the witness of whatever arises within us, we are empowered to take wise & loving action rather than get trapped in the negativity & react blindly from fear, anger, or confusion.
BLISS is simple yet powerful, a process that will set you free from darkened energies that drain your body & spirit, while giving you back the vitality that is your birthright. It can quickly become a spiritual practice of being present & centered, at peace with yourself & life.
BLISS Work has proven effective in alleviating depression, addictions, fear & confusion from old mental programming, borderline personality disorder & obsessive-compulsive disorders.
Akashic Records
The Akasha is another name for the field of consciousness surrounding all life forms. It holds every thought, word, deed, & intention related to any specific form, throughout all time & space. Everything that occurs leaves an imprint, which is how the truth about almost anything is knowable. Reading your Akashic Records can give valuable "big-picture" guidance, along with incredible support, healing, understanding, & unconditional love.
I access your Records through a simple prayer. Your questions must be written down and you ask all of them at the beginning of our session. Your Record Keepers then answer each one, usually in a way that ties all the questions together, answering any new ones that arise. We double-check at the end to make sure everything was covered. If you’d like an MP3 of the session, request this before we begin & I can email it to you afterwards.
There are times, however, that I recommend NOT listening to a session for awhile, if at all. For example, if many old patterns were released during the Reading, listening to it could re-trigger those patterns within you, especially if sufficient time for integration has not occurred.
You must complete & return this QandR form before we can access your Records. If you can’t work with the PDF, simply copy & paste the contents into an email and complete it that way. You are also invited to download this long list of potential questions to help you clarify and organize what you want to know. Here is more general information about the Akashic Records if that interests you.
Email info@louisadyer.com or call 513-248-0069 to schedule the reading. I am so looking forward to facilitating the journey into your Akashic Records – you can ask about anything you truly want to know!

Dream Work
Sometimes dreams are prophetic; most times they tell us what we are figuring out subconsciously. They can be literal or symbolic, and regardless of who or what is in the dream, usually it is an aspect of your own self that is attempting to be known, or find resolution, or show you a new path for an old problem.
Dream language and imagery is very personal, so books focused on dream symbols can confuse the true meaning of those symbols for you. Look first within yourself for interpretation of symbolic elements. Dream study can be very beneficial, as dreams are powerful helpers when their meaning is explored and then validated through the Higher Self. I have done this type of work for many years.
If you are looking for a great dream book, try Dream Cycles by Dusty Bunker – it’s the best one I’ve ever found, other than everything Carl Jung wrote on the subject. Iif you desire a facilitator for working with your dreams, call 513-248-0069, or email info@louisadyer.com to schedule a session.
Entity/Energy Clearing
Whether you’re dealing with a form of psychic attack, or suspect the presence of ghosts, or experience visitations by entities from the lower astral realms, or have a dis-ease process that has been resistant to healing, or just experience “bad vibes” in particular locations, these energies CAN be cleared. There are numerous ways to do this, depending on the situation.
Thankfully, everything in our universe is interconnected, and whatever happens, happens by agreement. The problems occur because only about 5% of what goes on within us is conscious, meaning 95% of what happens in and around us lies outside our awareness. Consequently, agreements are made unconsciously & then energies remain stuck in less than ideal situations because of those unconscious agreements.
When clearing entities from a person, whether in the form of psychic attack or as the root cause of a physical, mental, or emotional disturbance, we must first establish the nature of that energy – what it is, where it came from, the purpose it has been serving, etc. When there is willingness to completely release it, we then give the energy a path & whatever assistance is needed to move on. Sometimes it goes to its next higher level within the universe, or back to its place of origin, or simply dissolves when it no longer has a purpose to serve. A few methods may be involved but the entity always leaves.
When clearing ghosts or other stuck energies from particular locations, I work directly with Nature Intelligence & the Higher Self of any beings involved. A specific type of energy cleansing developed by Perelandra, along with other Nature-based processes, allows the energies to be released & continue their evolutionary journey.
Most of this work can be done by phone, as energy is not constricted by time & space. When it is necessary to visit a site or person to accomplish an energy clearing, I will make that accommodation when reimbursed for travel time & expenses.
If you are dealing with any unwanted, unseen forms of psychic or astral realm energies, please be assured they can be released, often quite easily. It is a free-will universe & when you consciously choose to release them, any unconscious agreements can be dissolved. Doing so is a gift not only to yourself, but to those energies that have been stuck in an inappropriate time or space. Please contact me if you’d like help with clearing out such energies/entities: 513-248-0069 or email info@louisadyer.com.

Life Coaching
With my tools & your willingness, you can BE “whoever” you choose much more quickly than you might imagine! Most of the listings above offer short-term assistance with specific issues. I also offer on-going Life Coaching sessions for those who recognize a desire for the faster growth that comes with consistent loving support from a trained & experienced facilitator.
If You Are:
- in pain, whether emotional, physical, mental or spiritual
- suffering from depression, anxiety or personality disorders, or addictions
- wanting to forgive yourself or others yet don't know how
- believing your creativity is blocked
- desiring a more consistent loving connection with your True Self or God/Goddess/Source
- choosing to work directly with Nature Intelligence to improve your health or co-create "soil-less gardens" as developed by Machaelle Wright of Perelandra
- simply tired of feeling bad and have decided there is more to life & you want it!
- deeply devoted to your spiritual path & want assistance in moving forward
I can meet you wherever you are
& help you BE however you choose.
Through direct communication with your Higher Self, bodily wisdom & Nature Intelligence, or using Energy Psychologies such as WOW Processing or BLISS Work, we can quickly determine the most efficient methods for reaching your goals. Whether your desires are mundane or sublime, you deserve the assistance available. When you’re ready to accept the help you’ve longed for, please contact me. My passion is facilitating your rapid growth!
When our energy is balanced, life flows easily & we feel good. When it isn’t, we often feel bad and don’t know how to feel better because the problem is hidden in the subconscious – the vast part of us that lives beyond conscious awareness. Mind/body/spirit are not synchronized and we feel pulled in different directions, unable to find or operate from a centered knowing.
There are numerous ways I can help – the choice of HOW is yours – the only time is NOW. When you’re ready to move forward, please email info@louisadyer.com or call 513-248-0069. As a natural empath, my intuitive skills have been honed over 25 years of diverse clinical practice. I will help you discover Presence, alive & available within you, which can heal all pain and suffering.
If you are struggling in any way & genuinely prefer working on your own, I suggest the WOW Processing recordings. All information needed to work with yourself, either with The WOW Process or WOW-in-Love, is included in the MP3’s. Many people find it easier to use the recordings after a few facilitated sessions, yet many use them to great benefit with no prior facilitation. The choice is yours. You will find much information about WOW Processing on this site, and also at thewowprocess.com
Many of those I’ve facilitated in WOW Processing have described it as “6 months of therapy in one session” or “the most loving & surprising internal cleansing ever!” My prayer is that you partake of whatever methods will most help you live your best life – filled with the joy, peace, & freedom that is your Divine Birthright.

As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without