Personal and Professional Profile
Louisa A. Dyer is an Intuitive, Wholistic, and Metaphysical Counselor, Coach, Minister, Author, and Energy Worker Who Absolutely Loves to Facilitate Personal Growth, Vibrant Health, and Spiritual Well Being – in the most efficient ways possible!
Louisa earned her Masters Degree in Holistic Psychology from JFK University's School of Consciousness Studies in 1991, graduating summa cum laude. She has been counseling formally since 1985 – first as a Suicide Crisis Hotline volunteer in her undergraduate program at Montclair State College, New Jersey – and informally for most of her life.
In 1999, Louisa received ordination as an Interfaith Counselor from Esoteric Theological Seminary, after moving back home to her beloved Western North Carolina Mountains. Perhaps most important to her work is a lifetime of extensive and diverse spiritual study, with a consistent focus on psychological growth and spiritual evolution.
Combine this with her clinical experience in serving various populations, using a wide variety of both mainstream and alternative modalities, and you understand how Louisa has become a pragmatic yet visionary author and spiritual coach.
Read What Louisa's Clients Say
In Louisa's own words:
I have been to hell and back many times in this wild life – dangerous addictions, painful relationships, emotional breakdowns, physical illness, insane thinking, and much debilitating despair.
Now I counsel, write, and teach to help everyone avoid such pain, or to become free from it. Most suffering, if indeed not all of it, is truly optional. I love life – and Nature – and being with people who are consciously moving forward. Facilitating that natural forward movement, with the release of suffering it always brings, enlivens and inspires me.
To be with clients in a more wholistic fashion, I released my "therapist hat" and became a metaphysical reverend. Now I use an incredible variety of tools to facilitate the really important things in life – joy, peace, vitality, health, compassion, unconditional Love, creativity, spiritual wisdom, and FUN!
A near-death experience at age 19 revitalized my childhood passion of connecting directly with God, with the Divine Source of All Life. Twelve years later, a life-long severe depression suddenly lifted when I fully accepted that Divinity Within, my own High Self, and began listening to it. A year or so later, in 1987, my 20 year addiction to drugs followed the depression, almost effortlessly.
To accept Source Energy internally is to reclaim our Divinity, our intrinsic power, and our birthright of wholeness. Because I've also explored the dark side of intense suffering, addiction, and suicidal depression, I know that anyone who is willing can come out the other side, no matter what the challenge. We bring light to darkness and darkness simply disappears.
It doesn't matter who or where we've been – it only matters that we are willing to accept where we are and make conscious choices about who we choose to be.
Having lived in small towns and big cities, from Appalachia to Atlanta, New York, San Francisco, Albuquerque, various points in between, and finally back to Asheville NC, I've met all kinds of people. Even though each of us is absolutely unique, we are also All One, each created from the same energy that infuses everything in the entire universe.
Every one of us is literally filled with the Source Energy of all life. The choice to accept this truth, to celebrate and use our intrinsic Power in everyday living, requires a deliberate act of free will. When we express that willingness, the entire Universe responds to assist us. This is not new-age mumbo-jumbo, but rather a fact that quantum physics has amply demonstrated.
My purpose, passion, and joy in this life is to share that truth, to evolve spiritually, to live in a state of unconditional love, and to serve the health and happiness of everyone possible. I am honored to meet you on this journey – to facilitate your acceptance of the wholeness within you.
From an awareness of wholeness, you will live more consistently in your authentic, peaceful, beautiful, and joyous True Self. Now is the only time to begin ….....
I am here if you’d like assistance: info@louisadyer.com or 513-248-0069.