I work in 90 minute sessions, Tuesday – Saturday, with varied hours. Let me know what times/dates are possible for you and we will find the perfect time. Please complete the Q&R form below.
My work is a ministry - it is my blessing & my responsibility to share what I’ve learned from a lifetime of intense study & deep experience of both the light & dark in human nature. I really will meet you wherever you are, with empathy & compassion, because I’ve probably been there too. As a Minister, I ask for donations for my time & expertise.
For a 90 minute session, $120 is typical, though more or less are both gladly accepted. If money is a big problem for you, discuss it with me & I’m sure we can find what works for both of us.
If financial struggle is your main concern, my suggestion is to schedule 3 (three) WOW Processing Sessions, at whatever rate you are willing to afford, to begin quickly clearing the negative programming that has created your struggle. Almost everyone has many layers of fear, confusion, anger & grief about this topic that result in much suffering. Let’s clear it away!
Please make your payment through PayPal before each session. No PayPal account is needed.
Before our FIRST meeting, please complete & return this QandR form to info@louisadyer.com in whatever way is easiest for you - even copying & pasting into an email is fine.
Feel free to email me at info@louisadyer.com or call 513-248-0069 with any questions, comments, or to schedule a session.
| Pay securely with this PayPal link.
You do NOT need a PayPal account.
Be sure to include a note letting me know any pertinent details. |