Nature Work
CoCreating Fantastic Health and Vitality while
Bringing Nature’s Inherent Balance into All Human Endeavors
Nature Work, as described by Machaelle S. Wright at Perelandra (Perelandra-ltd.com), connects us with Nature's intrinsic intelligence, ease, and balance. Nature holds the blueprint, or the Divine Intent, for all things in form – which is everything we can perceive with our senses, including thoughts and emotions. Therefore, we communicate with that intelligence to determine what is beneficial for those forms – for any project, relationship, business, or for health on any level of being – physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.
If you would like personal assistance in communicating directly with Nature, contact me at info@louisadyer.com and we will schedule a time to do just that.
Flower Essences; Body-Soul Fusion; Personal & Professional MAP; Land/Project/House Clearing; Soil-less Gardening– All these are tools created by Perelandra that anyone can use to enhance their health and vitality and to benefit their interactions with all form, and in my experience, for greatly enhanced spiritual growth and development. The learning curve for each varies.
Perelandra offers no personal training or certification for any of these, yet provides all the information necessary for almost anyone to use them well. To understand the science behind working with Nature Intelligence, read Machaelle’s book, CoCreative Science: A Revolution in Science Providing Real Solutions for Today’s Health & Environment, 1997.
I specialize in working directly with Nature, using Flower Essences and a Professional MAP Team, to dramatically improve health and vitality on every level of being, and to co-create Soil-less Gardens – such as setting up a successful business or completing projects with greater ease or manifesting healthier relationships. If you’d like to work directly with Nature, please contact me at info@louisadyer.com.
Flower Essences
Flower Essences can help us in many ways – primarily by bringing our nervous/electrical systems into balance so that healing occurs naturally and more quickly. Wholeness always exists and Flower Essences help us to easily tap back into it! For people I see in person, we create individualized flower essence solutions, from the full 50+ Perelandra Set, which target the specific issues being addressed.
For those I work with by phone, we can test whatever Flower Essences you use, or any treatment, practitioner, supplement, or personal process to determine what is most beneficial for you at this time – and what dosages are best, and for how long. When you are ready for this level of knowing and/or assistance for your personal health, creative endeavors, personal or professional relationships or projects, please contact me at info@louisadyer.com.
For more detailed information about using Flower Essences, read Machaelle Wright’s book, Flower Essences: Reordering Our Understanding and Approach to Illness and Health, 1988. It will change how you think about staying happy and healthy. Basically, every “thing” has an electrical field surrounding it and has a particular vibration – every cell, organ, plant, mineral, animal, person, star, thought, emotion, relationship, business, project – yes, even apparently inanimate objects.
In humans, those electrical impulses directly impact our nervous system, determining in large part if, how, and what we perceive – that is, how we think, feel, move, see, hear, taste, and understand what’s happening for us in any given moment. When imbalanced, our awareness of the wholeness that exists, and the natural capacity within us to experience that wholeness, is compromised.
Flower Essences restore that natural balance. Healing is immediately and positively impacted on all PEMS levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – by the appropriate essence solution. We can schedule a flower essence session through info@louisadyer.com.
Body-Soul Fusion
Imagine the body/mind/personality fully receiving the soul’s input, while the soul or spirit fully perceives the needs, desires, fears, or limitations of the body/mind/personality.
Imagine yourself, with body and soul aligned! A Body/Soul Fusion is a simple and amazing way to more fully comprehend your soul’s path in this lifetime and bring the soul’s power, love, and wisdom into everyday living.
The Body-Soul Fusion Process uses Flower Essences and your High Self to bring the body and soul into alignment. It takes 15 minutes to an hour, provided that your High Self desires the process. This is most easily accomplished in person, though it can be done remotely if you have Perelandra’s ETS+ and plan on keeping yourself stocked in it. If you order from Perelandra, tell them Louisa Dyer sent you and they’ll send me free sample bottles of ETS+ that I then give away.
To learn more about this amazing process, or to schedule a Body-Soul Fusion session, contact me at info@louisadyer.com.
MAP – Personal and Professional
MAP is a Medical Assistance Program co-created by Machaelle S. Wright of Perelandra with Nature Intelligence – so that anyone can have incredible support and assistance in addressing health on every level of being – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
To use it, you must read the MAP book, available at perelandra-ltd.com. I have used MAP to address my personal health for almost a decade now and in my experience, it is the best, easiest, and least expensive healthcare support available. It also has the smallest learning curve of any of the Perelandra processes.
Rather than explain it, I encourage you to read the book and try it for yourself. No external assistance beyond the book is needed for MAP, and Perelandra also has a help line to answer any questions. And no, they do not “pay” me in any form to promote their work, nor do they endorse my Nature work because Perelandra offers no training or certifications. All their tools are available and highly recommended for those who choose to take greater responsibility for their own health.
For those already familiar with MAP, I’ll mention that I have worked within a Professional MAP Team for the last 8 years and have found it incredibly beneficial.
Land/Project/House Clearing
To clear stuck or negative energies of almost any type: ghosts, battle energies, “bad vibes”, negative astral influences, psychic attacks, old energy trapped in and thus influencing physical structures/places/projects, old or negative human emotion absorbed by nature that can be felt by people or animals who come into proximity with it – these are a few examples of when a clearing/cleansing process, followed by balancing and stabilizing, are extremely helpful.
There are many ways to clear energy. I use Perelandra’s processes as well as various other techniques learned over a lifetime of working directly with so-called negative energies. Rather than fearing them, we can meet these energies with clarity, compassion, and loving boundaries – and they will always move on.
We can then move forward more easily, free of that “stuck” or negative influence. If you’d like assistance with quickly clearing out old, imbalanced, stuck, or negative energies from your home, land, or projects, just contact me at info@louisadyer.com. I really enjoy this type of work and especially the relief that people feel once those old energies have been released.
Soil-less Gardening
Nature holds the blueprint for all things in form, therefore, working directly with Nature Intelligence brings clarity, ease, and balance into all our projects, relationships, and creative endeavors.
From Nature’s perspective, anything that is created and maintained by humans can be considered a garden – that is, we can best determine the most beneficial timing, placement, action, fertilizing (advertising/nurturing), planting, watering, weeding (cleaning/clearing), harvesting, etc. by co-creating with Nature – the intelligence which holds the blueprint for every form, whether the garden is in soil or is soil-less.
Again, Perelandra offers wonderful writings that teach this co-creative way of living. I’ve spent the last six years working with my own soil-less gardens, and with those of clients, to bring greater ease, balance, prosperity and understanding into human endeavors. Our High Self is always included in these Nature Connections, so we know the Highest Good is always being served as well.
It is such a relief not to have to worry or try to figure out what best serves one’s intention – we can simply ask. The level of support from working within a Nature connection is enormous.
If you’d like to explore a greater connection and learn to communicate and work with Nature Intelligence, in conjunction with your High Self, much information can be found at perelandra-ltd.com. If you’d like an experienced, personal assistant for that journey, feel free to contact me at info@louisadyer.com.