Books, WOW Recordings, Radio Shows
As teachers throughout time have attested – there is nothing we need to acquire to be happy or even enlightened, only fear/illusion/judgments to release.
To thrive, we must simply release whatever has blocked our experience of wholeness, joy, peace, and beauty – these are our natural states. The following offerings can help you do this on your own, and if you’d like personal assistance in living as you’ve always desired, contact me at info@louisadyer.com.
Unconditional Love is our birthright. My mission is to consistently live it, and to facilitate awareness, acceptance and expression of unconditional love in everyone possible. All my work serves the purpose of awakening humans to that natural yet Divine state.
FREE GUIDED MEDITATION: To assist you in connecting and communicating more clearly with your Higher or True Self. You may listen here or download for use in a more comfortable location. Give yourself 15 minutes of privacy and do not listen while driving. In joy.......

Published Offerings
Themes of Illumination, Opening to God Within: 52 Weeks of Divine Contemplations (louisadyer.net)
(ISBN 1-4120-5796-5) For Inspiration, Personal Growth, and Greater Self Confidence, this beautiful workbook takes you on a loving journey with your True Self.
Wonderful for beginners and also for more advanced students, Themes of Illumination offers easy yet profound tools for increasing personal happiness & catalyzing spiritual growth. You Deserve It All! Read a page, or a chapter, by visiting louisadyer.net. Non-religious, non-sexist, and totally loving, Themes encourages you to grow at your own pace.
Each very short chapter (1-2 pages) offers a particular truth or self-awareness that can positively, easily, and quickly improve self-esteem and bolster self-confidence. You are then offered questions and exercises to increase your happiness, creativity, and positive relationships with self, Source, and others, all while promoting more consistent inner peace. There is only one YOU, and Themes shows you how to bless the world while celebrating your uniqueness.
Each chapter is designed for one week of study, so that at the end of one year, you have a new and life transforming love for yourself, along with a greater trust/security/balance in life itself. You may of course study a new chapter each day – or spend a month on each one – the choice is yours. Your progress however is assured, regardless of how you time it.
You deserve to know and express your True Self – to experience the God within you – to access and live from your Divine Self! The contemplations given in Themes can help accomplish this, right now – to get started, visit louisadyer.net.
The only time is Now – when you are willing to be happier, more prosperous, serene, comfortable in your own skin, and to know your truth and/or Divinity, and grow outwardly into the beautiful Being you already are inside, here’s an opportunity to do so in the privacy of your own home, on your own schedule. Visit louisadyer.net to begin today.
WOW Processing – Audio Version
WOW Recordings are DO-IT-YOURSELF Quantum BioFeedback, so you can live the Life YOU Choose, NOW!
Experience the power and simplicity of WOW Technology to clear almost any type of challenge, whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, and to greatly enhance happiness, health, creativity, goal setting, and accelerated spiritual growth, all on your own.
The WOW Processing Audio includes complete versions of The WOW Process & WOW-in-Love, each about an hour long, plus full audio instructions AND a printable PDF explaining how best to use both processes.
Available as an MP3 from The Wow Store - or purchase a 2 CD set using Paypal. If you’d like more info, please email info@louisadyer.com. To purchase by check or money order, please email your request to offlineorders@louisadyer.com.
WOW ebook: WOW – You Really Can Feel Better! Available at The Wow Store , with much more info at WOW.
Facilitate WOW Sessions for Others! It’s easier than you think. This easy to use ebook explains how to become a WOW Facilitator – an amazing gift you can give another, or they can give you, of being present and witnessing a conscious transformation.
The WOW ebook also shares a bit about the evolution of WOW and the technology behind it, along with an indepth discussion of “best practices.” When the WOW MetaScripts are updated, as they have been a few times, you will automatically receive a copy of the latest versions.
FREE Teachings just for you!
Conscious CoCreating, Tools to Empower You – Online Radio
Each mp3 is one show based on a particular topic from teachings by enlightened ones, primarily Dr. David Hawkins, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie and Neville. Some are discussions about Nature Intelligence as taught by Machaelle Wright of Perelandra.
The shows were produced live at urRadio, Asheville’s public access radio station, in late 2010 and early 2011. Unfortunately, urRadio and URTV no longer exist. If you’d like to comment on any of the shows, or be informed when they resume, please “like” and communicate through our facebook page and/or email info@louisadyer.com.
10//28/10 Getting Accurate Answers
How to ask questions clearly enough to receive accurate information; exploring Dr. David Hawkins’ spiritual research & understanding of kinesiology (muscle testing) to know the truth about anything.
11/4/10 All Truth is Knowable
Reviewing the Power vs Force book series by Dr. David Hawkins, with explanation of HOW it is that we can know anything about what exists now or that has ever existed.
11/18/10 Map of Consciousness
Translated into 25 languages, Hawkins’ Consciousness Scale shows us how to raise ourselves & others up out of suffering. Apologies for the background noise through parts of the show.
12/2/10 David Hawkins
A deeper explanation of how to use the Map of Consciousness to develop empathy, compassion, understanding, and greater acceptance of oneself & a life of joyful freedom.
12/9/10 Byron Katie - The Work
Katie’s life story & how she became enlightened – with an explanation of how to do “the work” – her offering to reduce suffering. It’s very simple & profoundly effective in stopping painful thinking!
12/16/10 Byron Katie - Part II
This is a lovely interview with BJ, a lover of Katie’s Work, even though the background noise is distracting in a few sections. I’m posting it anyway because the material is worth the distraction!
12/23/10 Sacred Activism10 Things You Can Do Right Now to connect & align with your own power, faith & goodness, using Andrew Harvey’s book, The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism.
1/06/11 A New Earth
Reviewing chapters 1-4 of Eckhart Tolle’s best-seller, focused on the inevitable flowering of human consciousness through understanding & dismantling of the ego.
1/13/11 A New Earth - Part II
Reviewing chapters 5-7 of Tolle’s book, focused on transmuting the painbody’s suffering into greater love, peace, joy & ultimately enlightenment. Apologies for background noise in a few sections.
2/10/11 Aligning with Purpose
Reviewing last chapters of Tolle’s A New Earth, focused on creating the lives & the world we most desire – how acceptance, enjoyment, enthusiasm are the keys to living well.
3/3/11 Techniques of Thriving
Noticing/accepting miracles – and 5 simple tools to begin thriving right now! Thymus Thump, Duck’s Beak Exercise, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Higher Self guided meditation, WOW Hand Position.
3/10/11 Tools from Perelandra
Brief explanation of a few health-changing offerings from Perelandra Nature Research Center (Perelandra-ltd.com): M.A.P. (Medical Assistance Program) and ETS+, which I call rescue remedy X 100.
3/17/11 Working with Nature
Understanding Nature Intelligence in new ways; more amazing tools from Perelandra for better health & greater vitality; growing better gardens through “Gut Gardening”.
3/24/11 Flower Essences of Perelandra
How Flower Essences improve physical/emotional/mental/spiritual health; Body-Soul Fusion; Using FE to assist those who are dying; this show ends abruptly due to tech difficulty in studio.
3/31/11 Setting Clear Intentions
Various methods of getting clear enough to know what you really want then manifest it! Including Most Benevolent Outcome Prayers & establishing a DDP – definition, direction, purpose – for any goal/project.
4/5/11 Raising Your Consciousness
The science of spiritual growth, explained by David Hawkins in Truth vs Falsehood; knowing the spiritual power & truth of various teachings/institutions with muscle testing; a focus on conscious evolution.
4/19/11 WOW Processing Energy Psychology
Explanation of Energy Psychology in general, WOW Processing in particular – how it works, what it works with, how to use WOW to address and clear any challenge, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
4/26/11 Free Will and Personal Boundaries
Using the teachings of Tolle, Hawkins’ & Katie, with 25 years Holistic Counseling experience, we explore the difference between boundaries & barriers, while aligning personal will with higher spiritual will.
5/3/11 How to Manifest What You Want
Explanation of energy & how things naturally occur according to our greatest teachers; emphasis on Neville & his process of “imagining the wish fulfilled” as effective way to manifest desires into physical reality.
5/10/11 Consciously Creating Our Dreams
Reviewing A New Beginning, Book 2 by Esther & Jerry Hicks (Abraham), which I call Metaphysics 101; how to know what you want & then let yourself have your heart’s deepest desires.
To hear the archived shows from 88.3 fm in Cincinnati (from 5/12 to present), please click here.